Detective Agency Bremerhaven, Germany | Private Investigator Bremerhaven – Kurtz Investigations*

Third best investigation agency in Germany on the Wirtschaftswoche’s service ranking

In Bremen, which consists of the state-capital Bremen and Bremerhaven, the crime rate underwent an immense growth during the past few years – just like in the surrounding areas. The dark figures are extremely high, for example, regarding cases of stalking, intimidation, violation of somebody's rights of sexual self-determination, and domestic violence, as well as regarding cases of internal espionage, counterfeit consumer goods, theft and offences committed by employees in commercial companies. Such crimes are often not officially registered as they require an extremely high degree of discretion. The trained and IHK-certified investigators of our detective agency in Bremerhaven stand for absolute discretion, expertise and motivation. We are happy to listen to your case and your issues. Just give us a call: +49 421 3679 9066.


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From a small fishermen's village to an industrial location | Corporate detectives | Corporate detective agency Bremerhaven

Counting 115,827 inhabitants (2014), Bremerhaven belongs to the state of Bremen and is part of the metropolitan region of Bremen-Oldenburg. Originally, the economy of Bremerhaven was mainly driven by the fisheries and associated trades. Until 1984, the fishery offered most of the jobs in the city, but then Norway and Iceland started expanding their fishing grounds which led to a decrease of fisheries in Bremerhaven, now, there are only three businesses in total. Thanks to its international port, the city could expand its import and export trade which is why the enormous unemployment rate from 1998 of 22.3% could be much improved. In 2014, the unemployment rate decreased to 13.9% which is still far above the state's average. 


By now, Bremerhaven has become an education and business location of transregional importance. The focus lies on polar and marine research, biotechnology and, most of all, on wind energy and Energy Systems Technology. Yet, especially the field of research is faced with crimes such as data theft, appropriation of intellectual property (patent infringements), and corruption. On behalf of companies and institutions, our corporate detectives in Bremerhaven will investigate these cases, and many more, and will provide valid evidence against the offenders and perpetrators.     

Theft of goods | Abuse and appropriation of intellectual property lead to increasing numbers of cases for our detective agency in Bremerhaven

Today, the international port and the associated trades are the main employers in Bremerhaven, including the Container-Terminal Bremerhaven, the fish processing companies (Frosta Tiefkühlfisch, Nordsee-Restaurantkette), the shipyards, and the BLG Logistic Group which is one of Germany's leading companies in the field of automotive logistics and which handled 2.3 million automotive vehicles in 2014. In connection with the wind energy research, local companies are building and running centres for offshore wind energy. The field of energy science, as well as the construction and production of facilities, are frequently victims of criminal competitors on a private (industrial espionage) and nationwide level (corporate espionage). These competitors aim at appropriating results, data, and even components – sometimes with the help of bribed employees of the affected company or institution. Our specialised corporate detective agency in Bremerhaven operates on behalf of damaged companies to prove unwanted data theft, patent infringements or counterfeit consumer goods and provide valid evidence for criminal prosecution. 


Another issue strongly associated with Bremerhaven is freight crime. In 2011, the city's cargo port registered 67 million tons of handled goods. These goods included vehicles, heavy equipment, and large-sized agricultural machinery (digger, cranes, harvesters, etc.), as well as fish, and imported fruit and vegetables. Food articles are no longer handled in Bremerhaven, as used to be the case in the 20th century, but instead in the surrounding regions, unless the products remain in the port until ripe to then be directly transported to supermarkets in Germany. Warehouse and cargo crime is a continuous problem in Bremen. Our certified corporate detectives in Bremerhaven are your competent and experienced partner for solving your case and providing valid evidence against the offender who, in fact, often turns out to be an employee. In case of need, send an email to

Cargo shipping; corporate detective Bremerhaven Germany, investigation company Bremerhaven Germany

Cargo shipping is the heart of the modern Bremerhaven, but also a starting point for many criminal actions. Our detectives in Bremerhaven take care of catching the offender.

Professional and private life – everyday problems | Private detective agency Bremerhaven

Bremerhaven is a modern big city. The architecture originates, to a great extent, from the 19th and the 20th century, only a few older buildings have survived (for example, the Marienkriche and the Dionysius church from the 13th century). The tallest building in the city is, at the same time, its main landmark: the sail-shaped, 19 floor Atlantic Hotel Sail City, built from 2006 to 2008. Yet, within this modern backdrop, the city dwellers find themselves faced with a number of different personal problems – our private detectives in Bremerhaven can help out and solve many of those issues. Just give us a call or write us a message via our contact form

Private detectives in Bremerhaven solve cases regarding cheating partners, issues with child support and alimony payments, child custody battles, and many more

Since the late 1960s, the number of Bremerhaven's inhabitants decreased despite the blooming fishery trade of the day, and only since 2013, a slight increase of these numbers has been observed. One of the main reasons for the migration is the high unemployment rate: in 2013, 50,323 employees that were subject to social insurance contributions were registered as working in Bremerhaven. In 2014, the unemployment rate was at 13.9%, in April of 2016 it was even at 15.5%. In comparison to this, the nationwide average in the same month was at 6.3%. Unemployment is empirically a catalyst for crime, especially for property crimes such as burglary and fraud offences for acquiring pecuniary advantages. With the aid of criminological search for traces, surveillance and skilfully crafted traps for offenders and perpetrators, our private detective agency in Bremerhaven will help the victims to solve the crimes against their property. 


Yet, not only unemployment and property crime cause the population to worry, also everyday issues, such as a cheating partner, disagreements about alimony, child support and child custody, stalking or bullying at work, strongly influence the quality of life. In many cases, our experienced private detectives in Bremerhaven can help to clear the situation. According to the case constellation, we provide valid evidence of, for example, wilful default (i.e. hidden income during alimony or child support processing), we document how a child is treated when child custody questions arise, and we identify and catch offenders (i.e. in a case of threat) – all to help you assert your claims in court. Reliable investigation methods and discrete strategies are self-evident:

detective agency Bremerhaven Germany, private investigator Bremerhaven Germany, private detective Bremerhaven Germany

The many private investigations of our detective agency in Bremerhaven also include cases of stalking. The offenders are not only annoying but they can also be dangerous.

High unemployment rate – is crime the inevitable result? Clearing and prevention of offences in Bremerhaven

After the total number of crimes in the state of Bremen decreased to 70,700 cases in 2014, (previous year: ca. 71,200), it suddenly jumped up again to 91,000 cases in 2015. The high unemployment rate and the associated low income – often close to the poverty level – are surely one of the reasons for this dramatic increase, the case numbers of theft point to that, as well. In Bremerhaven, the number of shoplifting alone rose from 975 cases in 2014 to 1,189 in 2015, that is an increase of 21.9%. This is not only a local development. Damage worth 2.7 billion Euro is caused by shoplifting nationwide every year! From experience, cases of shoplifting and pickpocketing are extremely difficult to solve, that is, if they are not followed up immediately at the crime scene, or can be supported by film material retrospectively. The proportions of the case versus the investigation costs also have to be considered (the fees for a detective agency in comparison to the value of the stolen goods or property). However, our versed security specialists in Bremerhaven can help you to optimise your security standards – on company grounds as well as in your apartment or house. 


Cases of fraudulent sellers have also experienced an increase in Bremerhaven (2014 an additional 40.2%), so have cases of unpaid purchases (an additional 18.1%), theft of debit cards, data theft and other similar offences (2015 an additional 31%), and drug offences (2015 an additional 29%). The total sum of damages caused by criminality is just as frightening: The total sum in Bremerhaven is approximately 10.8 billion Euro, out of which 4.97 billion Euro are caused by thefts by burglary and about 2.55 billion Euro by corporate crimes (2015). Our corporate detectives and private detectives in Bremerhaven will gladly support the victims by solving their case and catching the offender or perpetrator by means of valid evidence – just give us a call, and we will happily work on your case, as well: +49 421 3679 9066.

investigation company Bremerhaven Germany, private investigations Bremerhaven Germany

Examples for our areas of operation in Northern Germany:

  • Private Investigator for Berne
  • Private Investigator for Beverstedt
  • Private Investigator for Brake/Unterweser
  • Private Investigator for Cadenberge
  • Private Investigator for Cuxhaven
  • Private Investigator for Elsfleth
  • Private Investigator for Geestland
  • Private Investigator for Hagen im Bremischen
  • Private Investigator for Hemmoor
  • Private Investigator for Lemwerder
  • Private Investigator for Loxstedt
  • Private Investigator for Nordenham
  • Private Investigator for Otterndorf
  • Private Investigator for Schiffdorf


*Please note: All operations of Kurtz Investigations Bremen are executed and billed from the Hollerallee in Bremen. The other operating cities and regions advertised on this domain are neither local branches nor permanent establishments of the Kurtz Detective Agency, if not explicitly stated differently. We can offer you affordable traveling expense flat-rates nationwide. The same applies for traveling to a wide range of areas abroad. When operating in the countryside, the cost evaluation starts from the next greater city. You can find further information on our fees here, and on operating areas here.

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kriminalistik; Bremen Kriminalist, Bremen Ermittler

Kurtz Detektei Bremen

Hollerallee 26

28209 Bremen

Tel.: 0421 3679 9066

Montag bis Freitag: 08:00-20:00

well:fair Neven Subotic Stiftung

Die Detektei Kurtz unterstützt seit 2016 ununterbrochen die well:fair Neven Subotic Stiftung, die Kindern in armen Regionen Zugang zu Wasser und Bildung verschafft.

Datenschutz Detektei, Bremen Detektiv, Bremer Privatdetektiv, Bremer Detektei

*Hinweis: Alle Einsätze der Kurtz Detektei Bremen werden von der Hollerallee in Bremen aus durchgeführt und berechnet. Bei anderen auf dieser Domain beworbenen Einsatzorten oder -regionen handelt es sich weder um örtliche Niederlassungen noch um Betriebsstätten der Kurtz Detektei Bremen, sofern nicht explizit anders ausgewiesen. Wir können Ihnen bundesweit günstige Anfahrtspauschalen bieten, Gleiches gilt für zahlreiche Regionen im Ausland. In ländlichen Gebieten erfolgt die Berechnung in der Regel von der nächstgrößeren Stadt. Weitere Informationen zu den Honoraren finden Sie hier und zu den Einsatzorten hier.

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